The importance of forgiveness


If you want to live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life then this is true. Resentment manifests in the physical body in all different ways that will eventually affect your health. We need to forgive all the time, everyday and for our entire lives.

Forgiveness is being able to fully empathise with another’s actions and then completely letting go. It doesn’t mean you condone the behaviour, rather you choose to move forward with no energetic ties attached.

You don’t need to know how to forgive, but if you want to forgive then the universe will show you how. But you need to let go of all associated feelings and thoughts to be aligned with what you need to see.

Tip of the day!

One easy way to heal yourself is through service to others. Helping people and add value to their lives assists you to evolve by removing yourself from your current situation.

Stepping away to see yourself in a different light allows you to empathise with yourself to truly see the real reasons and feelings driving you down a certain path.

It is human nature for all behaviours to be driven by what is highest on one’s list of values. This is natural and should be encouraged as one’s passion can lead them to the fulfilment of their destiny.

However, when behaviours are more negative than positive then you should reassess the hierarchy of what’s most and least important to you. In this life you were born with everything to gain. Success is your birthright and so your actions should be aligned with this notion in order to keep moving forward.


Angelic Reminders

386269_229384460470436_100001966520598_525264_531477907_nAs I was driving my car the other day with the window half open, a white feather blew in and landed on my lap. I believe white feathers are reminders of heaven that our angels send to us to remind us of our connection with spirit.

When you begin to feel stressed with everything going on in your life, stop and remember, the solution to the issue is never at the level of the problem.

Your main priority on earth is the evolution of your conciousness. So step away and allow things to be. There is a hidden order in the universe that you are unable to see if you are not grounded and preoccupied with earth bound thinking. If you endeavour to view things from your heart centre your eyes will be open to see it.

Everything always works out in the end. My daily connection with the divine assures me of this so I can say it to you.


Present moment

Remember that you are more than whatever you are experiencing in your present life. The real source of you is above you and a true description of who you really are. Emotions that are out of balance signify that you need to ground yourself because the earth bound perception of who you think you are is currently amplifying certain energy centres. Become peaceful by removing yourself consciously from unbalanced vibrations and move into a balanced existence through meditation, reflection and practising the ultimate art of self care.

The power of intuition

We are all born with the gift of intuition. The inner knowing that you feel in your gut serves as a guide to direct you towards your destiny.

Each person you meet, obstacle you encounter and choice you make serves it’s purpose by playing it’s role in the evolution of your consciousness. If you are ever stuck, not knowing what direction to take your life that is your answer. You came here for personal growth and to accomplish tasks that are unique to your soul’s progression. There is nothing good or bad, it is all just learning.

So when you don’t know which way to turn, go in the direction of your heart. It will lead you to where you are meant to be.

Spending time in nature grounds your vibration. Do it as often as you can.

Spending time in nature grounds your vibration. Do it as often as you can.

How to stop worrying

Something I realised this morning while I was walking.

There is never a loss without a gain. So when something goes wrong you have to ask ‘how does it serve me’.

Looking back at my past experiences I realise I have gone through a lot of pain, but I also received a lot of positives. Whenever I feel anxiety about something that I think might cause me more loss than pleasure based on past experiences, I have to neutralise past memories by realising all the positives I received from the event until the positives outweigh the negatives, and the  negatives dissolve.

I know that fear is an imbalanced perspective because there are no one sided events. I realise that there is nothing to feel anxious about because no matter what happens I will be able to handle it and I will receive a gain.

Moreover, I decided that being happy is a choice, so no outside event can ever take it away from me.



Trust yourself



Trust your dreams. The inner nudge you feel that constantly draws you back down a certain path to pursue particular interests is guiding you to your destiny. So in this instance, always listen to your heart, because the steps you take will lead you in the right direction. Have courage to move past any doubts or setbacks, as every experience you have gone through in your life leading up to now has prepared you to take on a new level of greatness and have the most amazing memories you have ever had. Believe that the best is yet to come.

The REAL cause of heart disease and premature death!

Ok Paleo friends, I know most of us have done our research and are well aware about the great cholesterol myth! Cholesterol DOES NOT cause heart disease! Back in the 1950s Ancel Keys put forward the lipid hypothesis. The short clip below will fill you in on Keys and his findings.

There are FOUR indicators that cause heart disease and premature death.

  1. Inflammation. Chronic inflammation of cells places stress on your vascular system and eventually leads to disease.
  2. Oxidation. Damage to cells, protein and fatty lipid structures such as hormones will eventually lead to disease.
  3. Sugar. Infringes on efficient functioning of every metabolic process in your body, for various physiological reasons. Excess and constant sugar consumption will eventually lead to disease.
  4. Stress. This response to internal and external stressors raises stress hormones in turn causing cells to age and this process feeds almost any form of infirmity. Constant, elevated stress will eventually lead to disease and can be the biggest killer of the lot.

How can you eliminate your risk factors for heart disease and other metabolic diseases?

Eat, live and breath Paleo!

Paleo is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. Paleo eating is extensive and there is no limit to how many recipes you can devise or how delicious your food can taste. Food that was present 10,000 years ago and food that is IN SEASON is what you should be eating! Why? Because it is embedded in your DNA. Our bodies evolved on this food and so making such choices will enable optimum gene expression. An abundance of organic fats, vegetables, fruits, animal protein and water should be the only thing on your menu.

A little word on stress…Our ancestors knew how to prevent stress and reduce it before it became a problem. This is because they knew that living in a stressful state was not advantageous for survival, staying alive and being a valuable member of any tribe. In this modern day world it is important to do things daily to reduce stress.

  • Practise yoga, Pilates and stretch everyday.
  • Meditate daily.
  • Do the things you love. Always make time to fulfil your interests and passions.
  • Be true to yourself. Only make choices that resonate with your core values and make you truly happy.
  • Speak up. Let others know how you are feeling. Don’t bottle your emotions.
  • Nurture close relationships with family and friends. They are your support network and will be there for you to turn to when you are stressed and need help.
  • Practice gratitude daily. At the end of each day write a list of everything you are grateful for. This simple exercise will also help attract abundance and positivity in your life. Do it before you go to bed and you will fall asleep feeling peaceful and optimistic about the future.

So there you have it. Now you know the REAL causes of heart disease and premature death. Tell everyone you know, family and friends. Go buy some organic butter and organic coconut oil right now and put it on your vegetables and meat, because fats are essential for the absorption of vitamin A,D,E and K AND for healthy cell structure and hormone production. Cholesterol is an AMAZING thing. It is a powerful antioxidant in the body and vital for the integrity of every cell in the body. I love cholesterol and I am grateful for it’s anti-oxidative, protective qualities. I wouldn’t be alive without it.

Read more about these four causes here




The Ultimate Art Of Self-care

I can not think of a better goal for 2013 than to take greater care of myself. I think I do a pretty good job of this at the moment, but I know that I can improve by not feeling guilty when I say no to things or just simply, put myself first.

Ways that you can practise the ultimate art of self-care,

  • Buy the best quality food you can afford. Your body is a gift and the sum of all it’s functions really deem it as a miracle. Only fuel your body with clean, nutritious food. You were given your body to live in to perform life tasks and learn lessons. Do your best to appreciate it.
  • Make time for exercise. Your mind and body crave it. Our bodies were designed to walk, sprint and lift heavy things. If have a sedentary lifestyle your body will not have optimum body composition and you will literally look like someone who sits down all day.
  • Spend time in the sun. The sun strengthens your aura in turn boosting your immune system and providing energy.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Only you know how much sleep your body needs to function at it’s best. Be sure to sleep enough so you wake up feeling happy and eager to carry out the tasks for the day.
  • Delegate jobs. Whether it’s at home or in the office, share your workload with others. Do not burden yourself with so much work that you know you don’t have time for.
  • Speak up. Tell your partner, family member or friend what is really on your mind. Do not bottle up your emotions because this will only turn to resentment, which will eventually cause disease. You do not want that.
  • Strive for the best. Success is your divine right. We all came here to succeed and go from strength to strength. Whoever you believe to be your creator, know that they want you to enjoy life, not the other way around.
  • Do not criticise yourself, ever. Each time you put yourself down you are not loving yourself. Focus on thinking positive things and know how great you are.
  • Do not criticise others. What you put out comes straight back. If you speak nicely of people and treat them with kindness you will attract this into your life, but remember, you must believe that you deserve this and abolish all fear associated with not being worthy for it to come back to you.
  • Make your dreams your reality. Listen to what you really want. Go after what you truly deeply desire in life and live it for yourself. Live your life the way you want, do not listen to others.

Being true to yourself is the corner stone for the art of ultimate self-care. This means being in touch with your real self, which endeavours to extend/receive love and to also fulfil goals and ambitions. Passion is the driving force of life and directs you to doing what makes you happy. Never deny yourself of partaking in interests that bring you the most joy and make no excuses for your choices.

You only have one life so make sure you create one you love to live.


Warrior Thinking – How To Attract Abundance

Warriors know how to have it all. They understand that to have their best chance at making the most of this life they need to be enriched by everything that life has to offer them. One thing modern day warriors do daily is write a journal or make a mental running list of everything they are grateful for each day.

One of the best ways to attract abundance in your life is to practise gratefulness. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, count your blessings and realise how much you appreciate everything you have in your life. This could be your good health, loving relationships, true friendships, fun experiences, fulfilling job roles and nutritious food, which all fall under the umbrella of prosperity.

It is really easy to notice all the things others have in their lives. There will always be someone with a higher paying job, with a bigger house or with more education. You need to rise above your ego that tells you that you must compete and attain more than others. You must instead put all your energy into appreciating everything that’s already yours. Apply your best effort in your personal endeavours and look after everything else you have, for instance your strong body, family relations, friendships and even the relationship you have with yourself.

The universe loves knowing how grateful you are. As soon as you put out how much you love what you have, the universe will respond and mirror back more of what you have and want. This is because you are resonating in a high vibration that acknowledges you are confident, free of fear and ready to receive more abundance as your higher consciousness is in touch with the known truth, being that success and prosperity is your divine right and necessary for a fulfilling human experience on this earth.
