Are you an amateur or a pro?

The different between an amateur or a pro comes down to one thing.


Sacrifice is necessary to reach the highest level in bodybuilding because a specific lifestyle must be lead to create and maintain an elite level physique.

You can have all the passion in the world, but if you do not have the drive to put your training and nutrition before everything else, including family and friends, you will not reach the top. It doesn’t matter how busy life gets or what your work and study schedule is like. There are always enough hours in the day to train and prepare clean food.

The ironic thing to know is that anyone who attains pro status really isn’t making a sacrifice. Such an athlete whole-heartedly loves bodybuilding and wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.

Make sure to make time for your passion because doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.

Comment below with what makes you most happy…

Who is your favourite athlete? I love Erin Stern. After not missing out on the Olympic high jump team she re-invented herself and became Ms Olympia and achieved a world-class physique. She is my hero!

Who is your favourite athlete? I love Erin Stern! After missing out on the Olympic high jump team she re-invented herself, became Ms Olympia and achieved a world-class physique. She is my hero!

Tip of the day

How to live like a winner.

Winners do not give up. Winners practise discipline day in and day out. Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want MOST. So when you feel like bingeing or eating food that is counterproductive to attaining the results you require, know that you need to practise reminding yourself of your goals and you need to work harder on creating a bigger picture of your ultimate dream.

Make the sacrifices because in the end everything will be worth it!
